Nuclear Power Plants of India

Nuclear Power Plants of India -8

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

i. Formation - 29 July 1957.

ii. Headquarters - Vienna, Austria Membership 171 Member States.


i. Founded - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (22 October 2003).

ii. The Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI).

iv. BHAVINI is a wholly owned Enterprise of Government of India under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy incorporated on 22 October 2003 as Public Limited Company under the companies act, 1956 with the objective of constructing and commissioning the first 500 MWe Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) at Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu and to pursue construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of subsequent Fast Breeder Reactors.

Industrial Facilities :-

1. Heavy Water Board, Mumbai. It runs centres at 7 places in India. Its work is to make availability of D2O (deuterium oxide).

2. Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad. Its work is the coating of Zirconium on Uranium plates.

3. Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology, Mumbai. Production of isotopes for Nuclear Reactors is done here.


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