First Person in India - Male

First Person in India - Male-6

51. First Indian to complete volcanic Seven Summit - Satyarup Siddhanta . 

52 First Attorney General of India – M C Setalvad . 

53. First Solicitor General of India – C K Daphtary . 

54. First Comptroller and Auditor General of Indi a – V Narahari Rao . 

55. First Sports Person to get Bharat Ratna - Sachin Tendulkar . 

56. First Sikh President of India - Giani Zail Singh . 

57. First Sikh PM of India – Man Mohan Singh . 

58. First Indian to win an OSCAR Award - Bhanu Athaiya in 1983, for designing the costumes for Richard Attenborough's Gandhi (the role of Gandhiji was played by Actor Ben Kingsley). 

59. First President of Indian Science Congres s - Sir Asutosh Mukherjee . 

60. Dr Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar was the Founder Director (and later first Director General) of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) , He was the first Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC) . 


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