1.Operation Nakail” for Auto-rickshaws in Ghaziabad-By Ghaziabad police
2. "Operation VANILA "- To help cyclone-hit medascar
3. Operation"CLEAN ART"-by WCCB--TO crackdown illegal trade in Mangoose hair.
4. Operation "TWIST"-by RBI -- To buy and sell government secirities.
5.Operation "Dhanush"-By indian railways central railways zone against ticket touts involved in e-ticketing.
6. operation " MUSKAN "(SMILE)- hyderabad police for missing children rescued
7. OPERATTION " SANKALP "-Persian gulf & gulf of Oman
8. OPERATION " SUNRISE 2 "-Between the armies of India& Myanmar
9. OPERATION" SUDARSHAN"- Pakistan border in Punjab & jammu By BSF
10. OPERATION" BANDAR "- IAF code for Balakot air strike
11. OPERATION" MILAP " - Delhi police rescued 333 children
12.OPERATION" THIRST" -Lunched by rpf to crack down selling of unauthorized pakaged driking water in railway
13. OPERATION" KHUMAAR"-J& K Drug free Panchayat
14. OPERATION "SUPPORT" -BY India for people suffering from idi strom in Mozambique
15.OPERATION "SWIFT RETORT-Pakistan's Retaliation of operation Bandar.
16.Operation "Number plate"- By RPF across indian railways